Scriptzol Magento 2 Ajax Layered Navigation

Price: $79


Posted on:2 days ago

Customers can browse large sets of products quickly and intuitively is mission-critical for your Magento store. Scriptzol Ajax Layered Navigation provides a solution to this problem. It allows your users to jump directly and instantly to whatever they are interested in. A vast improvement over the default Magento layered navigation with multiple-categories filter, attribute filter, visual price slider, visual color swatch and more. Display multiple filters and handy widgets to help visitors instantly find the products they need.


Easy to find and display products
Multiple Attributes Filter
Visual Price Slider
Instant Filter Results
Themes Support
24/7 Support
30 Days Free Support
Our Extensions are Easy Installation & Configuration
Our Codes are reusability
Our Extensions are Safe & Secure
Admin can enable/disable all facilities

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Safety Tips:

  • If necessary, deal locally with people that you can meet face to face
  • Avoid sending money/funds with Western Union, Moneygram or other similar services
  • Use official registered companies if you are told to send any sensitive data
  • We are not involved in any transactions that may occur between sellers and buyers
