Mackin Consultancy - Expert Manual Handling Courses Galway


Posted on:9 months ago

Do you want to improve workplace safety and lower accident risk caused by wrong manual handling? Consider Mackin Consultancy! We provide comprehensive manual handling courses in Galway and Limerick aimed to provide individuals and organisations with the information and skills required for the secure lifting, carrying, and moving of goods.
Experienced trainers lead our courses, which include hands-on instruction, interactive sessions, and engaging debates. Learners will understand the importance of proper body mechanics, appropriate risk assessment, and proper equipment use to avoid injuries. Our courses cater to any level of experience and assure compliance with legal laws, whether you are a staff, manager, or safety officer.
Join our manual handling courses in Limerick or Galway to get the confidence to handle objects safely, avoid accidents, and build a more productive work environment.

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